All items of value that are non-replaceable, one-of-a-kind, sentimental value, collectors’ items, trophies, discontinued patterns, family heirlooms, and high cost crystal-china-ceramic items must be disclosed to The Blue Bucket Cleaning. These items cannot be cleaned due to insurance regulations. The Blue Bucket Cleaning will not be liable for items not disclosed and listed on this estimate. The Blue Bucket Cleaning will not be liable for items broken or damaged due to product wear-and-tear, nor damage to or caused by fixtures that are not properly secured such as pictures, mirrors, window treatments, wall coverings, lack of furniture glides for wood floors, lack of scratch covers on the bottom of furniture decor, cabinet mounted appliances, and household accessories. The Blue Bucket Cleaning will not be liable for damage that is not reported within 24-hours of your last cleaning. We will not accept liability for damages directly or indirectly caused by non-standard company products and equipment requested to be used. The Blue Bucket Cleaning will only consider liability for the repair of replacement cost of the item damaged or broken. If an item is part of a set, only the cost of the individual item will be considered.
If The Blue Bucket Cleaning is requested by the client to clean windows or window blinds, The Blue Bucket Cleaning will not be responsible for any damage or loss if such blinds are damaged in the cleaning process.